Shine Your Inner Brilliance
The Inner Radiance Academy is dedicated to the betterment of humanity one individual at a time. The main focus of Inner Radiance Academy is introducing and delivering the step-by-step methodology called the Dance of Inner Radiance. The Dance of Inner Radiance is an intelligent, effective, efficient and elegant method for you to move more fully in to the Truth of who you are and to shine your Inner Light!

Vila Loukas
Founder, Inner Radiance Academy
Vila Loukas has been working in the healing arts for the last 20 years. She is certified as a Healer and Guide with the Modern Mystery School International. Vila brings a unique blend of keen insight, deep compassion and fierce commitment to her Inner Radiance work.
As a mother of two brilliant young souls, Vila is dedicated to a new way of educating people in their own awareness of self, empowerment and self presence. It's time for the world to be filled with the beautiful, unique and brilliant light that each individual can bring.
In addition to her ground-breaking work developing the Inner Radiance Academy, Vila also serves her clients and students as a Guide in the Ancient Mystery School Tradition--on an initiatory path of <<Know Thyself >>. It is her work with the Mystery School Tradition, along with Hermetic Ray Kabbalah, Alchemy and the incredible modalities that come through this lineage that inspired the Dance of Inner Radiance to come forth as a personal practice for those who are seeking greater capacity in their own inner realms.

Chris Abbott
Life Activation Practitioner, Teacher
Chris offers Life Activation, Emotional Cord Cutting, Aura Healing, Crystal Healing as well as teaching classes such as Sacred Geometry 1, Spiritual Intuition, Max Meditation and more.
(857)523-5696 • [email protected]
Pamela Newman
Life Activation Practitioner
Pamela offers Life Activation, Aura Healing, and Crystal Healing. Pamela also leads Max Meditation™ • [email protected]

Edwin Triggs
Life Activation Practitioner
Edwin offers Life Activation, Personal Clearing, Aura Healing, and Crystal Healing. He also leads Max Meditation™
Hunter Helton
Life Activation Practitioner
Hunter offers Life Activation, Personal Clearing, Aura Healing, and Crystal Healing. He also leads Max Meditation™
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