Modern Mystery School
Embark upon a step-by-step journey that leads you down the ancient path of KNOW THYSELF. These same steps were followed by influential leaders and innovators throughout history.
Now, it's your turn!
Empower Your Connection To:

Your Flame
The Mystery School path will strengthen your connection to your

Your Fuel
The Mystery School path will help you find and fulfill your

Your Glow
The Mystery School path will amplify all that you do and what your create--enhancing your
KEY STEP 1: Life Activation
*START HERE* The Life Activation turns on your DNA--activating your journey of self mastery.
KEY STEP 2: Empower Thyself
The 1st step initiation on the Modern Mystery School progression will allow you to access both the higher and deeper realms and give you foundational tools to empower your journey.
KEY STEP 3: Healer's Academy
The second step initiation takes your progression to the next level and amplifies the impact of your individual service work to the world--giving you specific methods to offer as a light worker.
Additional Steps & Advanced Training
In between these key steps there are many other steps and all of these come together to prepare you for advanced training on the path of << KNOW THYSELF >>

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

To get started on your path, Vila is happy to offer a free 30 minute video conference consultation to map out the steps for your individualized journey.

Classes of different levels are offered each month. You are welcome to register for any classes that do not have pre-requisites. Check out our calendar to see what is available that inspires you!

Empowerment Packages are available for those who are ready to jumpstart their journey. These packages offer the best value and ensure that you receive all the components you are ready for.
Explore the Steps on the Path
One of a kind session that turns on dormant DNA
The Life Activation is a 90 minute 1-on-1 session where it all begins! Your capacity for all that you desire in your life gets activated with this powerful light infusion session.
This session is a pre-requisite for many other sessions and classes and is included in all the empowerment packages.
Clears negative energy and emotional cords holding you back
Personal Clearing goes hand-in-hand with the Life Activation as the one allows for greater impact of the other. Receiving your Life Activation will help you sustain the clearing of negative energy, and the Personal Clearing helps you move forward with the new energy that comes in with the Life Activation. These two sessions are often performed in the same appointment.
This next Activation turns on your super-human intuitive capacities
The Full Spirit Activation lights up the 10 regions of the brain including the psychic centers: Pineal gland, pituitary gland and thalmus. This allows for your Soul to truly be heard--leading you to greater ease and joy in daily life.
This Activation is essential for those seeking to fulfill life purpose. Life Activation is a pre-requisite.
3 hour training to help you cultivate your psychic senses
Spiritual Intuition Level 1 is a fun and interactive class that will give you powerful exercises you can use to open your clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance.
This class is a great introduction for those who want to get a "taste" of what the Modern Mystery School training is all about. No pre-requisites. Open to all.
3 hour training that gives you a method to connect to your Higher Self
The Sanctuary Meditation Method gives you a step-by-step process you can follow to enter your own personal Sanctuary and connect with your Higher Self. No pre-requisites. Open to all.
5 hour training that includes teachings and methods to raise your vibration
Sacred Geometry is a foundational piece of the Modern Mystery School Path of Progression. This class gives both an introduction to Mystery School methods and powerful tools you can work with to enhance your home or work space.
It is a great place to "dig in" for those who would like to experience Mystery School methods.
2 Day Initiation Program that gives you the powerful 1st step initiation
The Empower Thyself Program is a game changer! This first step initiation program gives: energetic expansion, deep Mystery School teachings, energetic realignment, powerful tools you can use daily, helpful methods and MUCH more!
This program is for those who are READY to engage life more deeply and live their true purpose. Life Activation is a pre-requisite for this program.
5 hour training that gives you a safe effective way to travel on the astral plane
The Modern Mystery School Astral Travel class makes astral travel both safe and easy! Building upon the principles of Sacred Geometry as well as teachings from Empower Thyself, the Astral Travel class lets you expand your conscious to explore the world unseen.
Life Activation and Sacred Geometry I are prerequisites for this class.
A day long journey program that enriches every aspect of you
The Journeys of the Spirit class takes you on 7 journeys over the course of this day long program. Each journey gives you direct insights and information about yourself, your gifts and your purpose in life.
Life Activation and Sacred Geometry I are pre-requisites for this class.
Dive into the world of crystal magick--learn methods for healing, reading and amplifying space
Sacred Geometry II gives you four powerful methods for working with crystals. Learn to use crystals for healing others, doing psychic readings, and creating crystal grids.
Life Activation and Sacred Geometry I are pre-requisites for this class.
Ready to Begin Your Journey?

To get started on your path, Vila is happy to offer a free 30 minute video conference consultation to map out the steps for your individualized journey.

Classes of different levels are offered each month. You are welcome to register for any classes that do not have pre-requisites. Check out our calendar to see what is available that inspires you!

Empowerment Packages are available for those who are ready to jumpstart their journey. These packages offer the best value and ensure that you receive all the components you are ready for.