Inner Radiance Academy is proud to be certified by the Modern Mystery School. We offer ancient methods and teachings for spiritual empowerment for the betterment of individuals and of the planet. These methods and teachings come through the Modern Mystery School Lineage and organization. From here, creating peace on earth and peace within truly is possible!

The Modern Mystery School is an international organization dedicated to making the world a better place by bringing tools of empowerment to individuals, allowing them to live out their true Life Purpose.
With centers in more than 55 countries around the world, the Modern Mystery School has become a powerful force for change on the planet. The Modern Mystery School offers Advanced Spiritual Training to those who seek to understand the deeper mysteries of who we are and where we are going. Many have likened the Modern Mystery School to a University of Spiritual Study & Technology.
Any individual who wishes to is welcome to study with the Modern Mystery School. It is open to anyone who is interested in pursuing greater self mastery. Once an individual has begun working with Mystery School methods or teachings, there is no requirement to continue–only many, many opportunities to go deeper!
The Modern Mystery School Leadership is made up of the three gentlemen of the Third Order and the twelve goddesses of the Council of 12.
Founder Ipsissimus Gudni FRATER GED Gudnason was born in Iceland and initiated into the Lineage of King Salomon in the 1970’s, Founder Gudni Gudnason was given priesthood powers from High Priest Melchizedek, Initiated into the Mysteries in the Great Pyramid of Giza, Initiated Celtic Medicine Man, Viking Shaman, Druid Priest, Templar Knight, and Egyptian High Priest of Isis.
Ipsissimus Gudni brought the Lineage of King Salomon to the public and founded the Modern Mystery School 1997–making the mysteries available to any with a true call to discover the deeper truths of the Hermetic Teachings. His mission is for these secret teachings to spread all over the world and assist people in establishing inner peace, which will in turn bring about World Peace.
Founder Gudni Gudnason has travelled the world extensively, starting from a young age, first to train, and now to inspire all of those he touches to awaken to the possibility of World Peace. As a key-holder of many ancient practices, he shares with the initiate community world-wide profound Hermetic and Esoteric teachings, the practice of true Alchemy and Kabbalah, and the mastery of Salomonic and Enochian magick, among many other closely kept mystery teachings.
In addition to his teaching and magickal practices, Founder Gudni is a champion martial artist, poet, musician, film producer, visual artist, dancer, businessman and inventor. He lives his teachings in his daily life– embracing the royalty of the divine self within and finding the JOY of a magick-filled life. In all things, he is an instrument for greater light, truth, goodness, joy and empowerment to come onto this planet.

Ipsissimus Dave “THOR” Lanyon is the CEO and guiding light for The Modern Mystery School worldwide. Based in Toronto, Canada, Dave has been a man on a mission since he joined the Lineage in 2004. He has been responsible for the explosive growth of the school, expanding into 55 countries. He has dedicated his life to serving the world by teaching, healing and helping people from all walks of life to Know Thyself. His background in counseling and his mastery of the tools of the Lineage of King Salomon have made him an expert at identifying what is holding each student back and supporting them to greater understanding, wisdom, and self-mastery.
Dave is an initiated Knights Templar and leads the worldwide Order of the Warriors of Light. He is a High Priest of Egyptian Magick, a Master of Enochian Magick and specialist of Viking, Celtic, and Egyptian Shamanism and much more.
Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome joined the lineage in 2000, and has been instrumental in the growth of The Modern Mystery School worldwide, serving as the CEO of The Modern Mystery School in Japan. He is 100% dedicated to the mission World Peace. Hideto has become a cornerstone for the school, serving as charismatic spiritual leader and overseeing the explosive growth in the Eastern World. Hideto is also a practicing Monk of Japanese Buddhism, bringing this system of thought and mastery into our lineage.
Hideto is Initiated as Priest of Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhism, Viking Shaman, Celtic Shaman, Knight Templar, Egyptian Shaman & more. As a master healer and head instructor of the Ensofic Ray Institute, he brings to the people an awareness of the beauty and good within themselves by sharing a system of healing that provides a pathway back to our original state of harmony with all.

The hard work and dedication of initiates in the Lineage of King Salomon over the centuries has ensured that the Advanced Spiritual Training of the Modern Mystery School can be accessed by those who are seeking greater individual and spiritual empowerment. As one of 7 ancient mystery schools, the Modern Mystery School has served as a guardian of spiritual technology that far surpasses what is commonly available.
Included in the curriculum of the Modern Mystery School are advanced methods for working with Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, Alchemy, Universal Kabbalah, Etheric Reconstruction, Egyptian Magick, Enochian Magick, Hermetics, Wicca and Ritual Mastery are just a few of the areas of study offered through the Modern Mystery School.
Getting started with the Core Curriculum of Modern Mystery School teachings is easy to do! At House of Healing Center of Light, Vila Loukas offers ongoing classes & training to get you started on your journey.

Life is a series of spiritual lessons that allow us to learn and grow. The Path of Progression speaks to that truth. As human beings, we are always learning and growing, both individually and collectively, whether we are aware of it or not.
The Path of Progression, also called the Initiatory Path, has been held and taught through the ancient mystery school tradition. Throughout human history, the mystery schools have existed in order to safeguard key spiritual teachings and methods so that they remain intact for our use. The Initiatory Path is part of that spiritual inheritance.
The Path of Progression that comes through the mystery school tradition has many steps along the way toward achieving self-mastery. Each step increases your individual capacity to live the fullness of your Life Purpose. The more of us who are empowered in this way, the more we can do to create the peaceful collective existence that we are longing for.
Inner Radiance Academy is honored to help you get started on the Initiatory Path. Two essential steps you will take with us here are: (1) Life Activation and (2) Empower Thyself – First Step Initiation. In addition to these two key steps, there are a number of additional activations, empowerments, and sessions to establish your foundation in the work. Upon completion of the steps offered here, further training is available through Modern Mystery School International programs.