Come with a question, 

Walk Away with Action Steps!

Do you feel like you are turning in circles with a particular situation or issue in your life? 

Often, when we are working on a growth edge, it can be difficult to see the situation clearly to understand what are the lessons at hand or the steps to be taken. 
This makes sense because we are embarking upon new and unfamiliar terrain. How can we expect to navigate an arena that we have never traversed before?

INSIGHT COACHING with Vila can help you get a better picture of what it is you are actually working on! From the energetic patterns that are at play to the life lessons that are being highlighted--when you understand the deeper truths of the situation you are dealing with, you can more readily "relax in" to the journey at hand and trust the discovery process!

This session is a beautiful blend of an intuitive reading and intuitive coaching. What that means is, Vila helps you (1) to understand what you are dealing with from an emotional / energetic / spiritual side of things (this is more like the "reading" part) and (2) to get clarity about what is being called for in order to help shift / resolve / create movement in the situation (this is the "coaching" part)

Coaching can be done as a single session and on a "as needed" basis. Because the emphasis is to get clarity on a specific area of challenge or "murkiness," it is highly likely and very possible to gain that clarity and direction in just one session!

INSIGHT COACHING is done remotely via internet video conference with Vila.

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